We had a very busy and exciting week fundraising and raising awareness for Mary’s Meals charity at Pauline Book Centre, Glasgow.
On Tuesday 7th May schools from the dioceses
of Glasgow, Motherwell and Paisley visited and participated in fun filled educational awareness workshops.

Mary’s Meals explained that the charity – which is named after Mary, the mother of Jesus, sets up school feeding projects in some of the world’s poorest communities, impacted by conflict and natural disasters. Here hunger and poverty prevent children from gaining an education.

The pupils wrote down what they will pray for in the month
of May.
The pupils share their prayers with each other.


The pupils were all great ambassadors for their schools by taking a ‘blue mug’ donation cup to collect 10p coins. Once filled it will provide a meal for a child.

The promise of a good meal attracts hungry children into the classroom where, instead of working or looking for food, they can gain an education and hope for the future.

A special thanks to all who came along and supported the coffee mornings and to those who so generously donated baking.

Huge appreciation for all the generous donations made to Mary’s Meals. These make a BIG difference to many children. So far £750 has been raised.
Your generosity will help provide school meals for hungry children around the world.

for supporting our Mary’s Meals events.

Prayer in May at Pauline Book Centre

Mary’s Meals invited people to pray for its mission
during the month of May.
Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, founder of Mary’s Meals, says:
“Prayer came first in the story of Mary’s Meals, and for many
of us, that remains the case on a daily basis. We pray knowing that this mission depends entirely on God’s grace, and so we need to stay joined to Him.
“Prayer is part of the daily fabric of Mary’s Meals – something we wish to make space for and encourage in this diverse global family of ours.”
‘Pray in May’ for Mary’s Meals at Pauline Book Centre, Glasgow has been taking place each Wednesday at noon.